When you invest in education, you do more than touch individual lives. Every contribution creates a social return by invididuals who use their knowledge to make a positive impact on the entire world.
We fulfill our mission by eliminating the tuition challenges for low-income individuals living in dire conditions. Funding enables us to design and facilitative specialized programs to improve their literacy and achievement capacity. Our scholarships and our advocacy efforts promote equity in college access and affordability.
Kelm Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization who partners with philanthropic organizations to help residents in urban communities build better lives and fulfill their dreams for long-term success in the workforce.
Click here to download our Federal Determination Letter.
Click here to download our Kelm Education Foundation certification.
STEM grants are offered to students interested in the science, technology, engineering, and math industries. Female and minority underrepresentation in the STEM workforce is a challenge in the USA. We seek to close the participation gap and increase minority participation in STEM fields. Donors help us expand our STEM workforce endeavors.
Thanks to you, we are enabling students of all socio-economic backgrounds to gain the knowledge, skills and values to create a more humane, just, and sustainable world.